Writing Update

When it comes to writing, I’m currently working on three projects. Two of them are due to be finalized this upcoming week. One is a 50k book and another is a 10k short. I’ve written 40k and 5k, respectively. The third project is a 65k book. I’ve only got 3k down so far.

To date, I’ve only written 13k in February. That’s not enough for me to reach my goals. I have to do better in March and I’m aiming high. To help me do that, I’m joining the #March100kChallenge. I’m hoping the challenge will inspire me to stay on track.

I’m on track to publish my first book, A Sword of Fortune and Fate, in May 2017. I want to ensure that the series continue to be released as scheduled. For that to happen, I have to write, write, write!


What are your writing goals for March?

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