E is for Editing #AtoZChallenge

I like to jump around projects which means at any given time I am both writing and editing books. I have a lot of plans for the upcoming year, chiefly to publish all ten of the books I have in the pipeline. It may seem a little too ambitious but I have been working on several books over the course of the past year and I feel like I’m finally ready to start my indie author journey.

One of the most important elements after writing is editing. I am still learning how to self-edit (something I still struggle with). Try to get your manuscript in the best possible shape before you send it off to an editor.

Secondly, identify what kind of editing you need done. Does your book need a developmental edit? Would you benefit more from a content or line edit? Based on your needs, you can narrow down your search for an editor.

Remember to research the credentials of the editor you hire.

Most editors offer a sample edit which is a great way to gauge if the editor is the right fit for you. I would recommend asking for that before you sign up with an editor and possibly end up with a bad edit.

Your relationship with your editor is an important one. You need to trust that this person is helping you turn your manuscript into the best possible shape it can be in. Take your time choosing an editor and don’t be afraid to keep searching if you don’t find the right fit.

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