Congratulations: F.F. John Giveaway

Congratulations to the thirteen readers that won a copy of the F.F. John’s book on October 1st!

Yes, the original giveaway was for 5 copies but author F.F. John was caught up in Hurricane Maria’s path and so I decided to gift 13 copies of the book instead of the original five.

Of the 13 copies sent only 6 have been claimed. Please check your emails Jay Aare, Rosa, Amiable, Jennifer Kellogg, Dianne Kitson, Fifi, and Brenda Miller. Let me know if I need to resend you the book.

Congratulations again to all our winners and don’t worry, you’ll have more opportunities to win other books (including my own) soon!

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1 comment

  1. I really loved the 2nd story in Contest #1. I mean, come On, a bunch of guys in a bar making comments about the women in the bar, judging them by their figures but not their intelligence? That is ssssoooooo ‘guy’! I also loved the witches’ solution. As a budding witch myself, I can be fairly certain that most witches would appreciate the elegance of that solution. And since most guys are both exhibitionist, and kinda slow, she could watch them to get a sense of witch (pun intended) guy has the best 6-pack…
    I would love to win a book, as I love a good book by a great author. Also, a $25.00 Amazon gift card would be a fortune for me because I live in a nursing home and I don’t have a lot of money to spend on my great love: books, books, and more books!