I is for InstaFreebie #AtoZChallenge

I first put Blaze on InstaFreebie on 1st April. So far I have had 137 subscribers sign up to my mailing list. That’s a great number, even when you take into account my nondescript cover.

Hopefully by the time I launch my debut book I will have amassed a greater number of subscribers and built a decent-sized mailing list. I’m already thinking of a second work that I can publish on InstaFreebie to capture more readers.

InstaFreebie is a good way to find new readers. Once they sign up for my mailing list I can try to convert them into readers of my paid work.

My advice to writers is to do the following:

  1. Write a short work.
  2. Put it on InstaFreebie
  3. Make sure readers have to opt-in to your mailing list to get your free book.
  4. Join Instafreebie promotions.

InstaFreebie will even help you reach an audience if you put together a promotion of 10+ books by posting it on their page and promoting it through their emails.

G is for goodreads #AtoZChallenge

I love reading. I love books. I love finding out what people are reading and what they’ve enjoyed. Strangely enough, I’ve never been part of a book club.

If you’re a fan of books you have to be on Goodreads!


This year I’ve been binge-reading. I read a lot of books at once and then slowly read parts of some until the urge to binge struck again.

For the 2017 Reading Challenge I chose 100 books. As of today, my Goodreads Reading Challenge is 54% complete. I think I’ll read more during the summer.

As part of self-publishing, it’s been interesting to see how people use Goodreads. I leave short reviews that serve as reminders to myself. I tend to forget if I’ve read books or not. Goodreads basically acts as my journal. If I read something and forget about whether I liked it or not, it won’t be unusual for me to leave zero stars. That’s not a reflection on the book but rather that my bad memory was back and I couldn’t remember what I had thought of the book.

I enjoy being part of the community at Goodreads and it’s important as a reader and writer to see what books people are enjoying and recommending.

Do you have a Goodreads profile? Follow me or add me as a friend HERE.

F is for Facebook #AtoZChallenge

Discoverability is essential for a new author. In an attempt to gain exposure to new readers I’ve started using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Of all of them, I’ve found Twitter to be the easiest to use, but Facebook has been the most beneficial.

I’ve learned so much from the myriad of groups I’ve joined on Facebook. It’s been amazing watching people share their successes, help others try to meet their goals, and dispense valuable advice. The indie writer community is wonderfully generous and I am so proud to be a part of it.

One Facebook groups I highly recommend is 20BooksTo50K. It’s a great resource for new and established writers. It’s based on the thread/book of the same name.

If you’re a starting (or even established) author, I would recommend you join Facebook and learn how to use it. I’m still not the best at it but I learn something new every day. I even have a Facebook Page, but I have to confess I haven’t made the best use of it so far. I need to determine what content I want to share on my page.


E is for Editing #AtoZChallenge

I like to jump around projects which means at any given time I am both writing and editing books. I have a lot of plans for the upcoming year, chiefly to publish all ten of the books I have in the pipeline. It may seem a little too ambitious but I have been working on several books over the course of the past year and I feel like I’m finally ready to start my indie author journey.

One of the most important elements after writing is editing. I am still learning how to self-edit (something I still struggle with). Try to get your manuscript in the best possible shape before you send it off to an editor.

Secondly, identify what kind of editing you need done. Does your book need a developmental edit? Would you benefit more from a content or line edit? Based on your needs, you can narrow down your search for an editor.

Remember to research the credentials of the editor you hire.

Most editors offer a sample edit which is a great way to gauge if the editor is the right fit for you. I would recommend asking for that before you sign up with an editor and possibly end up with a bad edit.

Your relationship with your editor is an important one. You need to trust that this person is helping you turn your manuscript into the best possible shape it can be in. Take your time choosing an editor and don’t be afraid to keep searching if you don’t find the right fit.

D is for Dare Valari #AtoZChallenge

Amazing illustration by Judit Mallol of Dare Valari

Dare Valari is the main character of my upcoming fantasy novel A SWORD OF FORTUNE AND FATE.

She’s the privileged daughter of a nobleman. With one spontaneous decision, her life is turned upside down. She has to leave everyone she loves and cares about to go find her place in the world. A chance encounter with the notorious Blaze sets her life on a path she never expected.

What do you think? Is my introduction to Dare Valari too vague? Does it make you want to read the book or put it back down and move on to the next fantasy novel? I’m still working on how to present the story to readers without giving away the twists and turns. This is a spoiler-free zone.

In any case, I could use the feedback. I’m still new at this.

I suppose, in a way, A SWORD OF FORTUNE AND FATE can be categorized as a coming of age fantasy novel. It’s got some mystery, intrigue, and a lot of sword fighting.

C is for Camp NaNoWRiMo #AtoZChallenge

This April I’m participating in my first Camp NaNoWRiMo. I joined a cabin with other fellow KBoard members after I saw Evenstar’s Kboards thread.

My goal is to write 120,000 words this month. As of today I have 6,632 words down. I’m going to be traveling on Thursday for 3 days so that’s going to eat up some of my time as well but I’m fairly confident I’ll meet my target.

Camp has been great so far. I enjoy the company of the other authors and it’s nice to see everyone updating their word counts. It’s certainly motivational watching the great Amanda M. Lee reach hers day in and day out.

Have you ever joined Camp NaNoWRiMo? Leave a comment & let me know!